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Subject Alternative Names for SSL

Last time I blogged about SSL and host-headers I was convinced it is only possible to host multiple SSL sites on one IP address when using a wildcard certifcate. I think I was right at the time, and now comes along Unified Communications UC SSL Certificates (aka Subject Alternative Name). Same issue as before: host-headers […]

Should you trust looks like a handy online service for storing all your website passwords. Browser extensions are available to make the whole process easier. If you use the web from several PCs it does sound nice to have all your passwords available and synced between your PCs. First thought was wether I should hand over my […]

Expanding on Josh Smith’s WPF MVVM app

Over the holidays I’ve got a start on a new project idea. I decided to do the simple UI of the project as an MVVM WPF app. First thing to do was to google up some sample MVVM WPF app. There are some very good example apps out there, some honourable mentions: Sonic, Karl Shifflett’s […]

Wifi Geolocation

Playing around with Google Latitude I was VERY surprised to see Latitude work out my exact location. How are they doing this? I don’t have a GPS in my netbook? Turns out they use wifi location to do this. When Latitude determines your location it gathers up a list of all the nearby Wifi SSIDs […]