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{ Monthly Archives } December 2005

Electronic paper

Electronic paper (or epaper) is a new display technology that I’m really keen to check out. LCD works by shining a light through a transparent display. Electronic paper contains configurable pigment that reflects light – just as ink on a piece of paper does. So epaper is just as readable as normal printed text. Anyone […]

Virgin Atlantic Travel Podcast

Anything to do with technology and travel always piques my interest. Here’s an extra podcast I can listen to/from work: Virgin Atlantic – Podcast Destinations [RSS]


This handy utility lets you query logs just like SQL: LogParser – Download LogParser. Running this from the command line tells me which pages are getting 500 errors: LogParser.exe “SELECT cs-uri-stem, count(*) FROM ex*.log where sc-status=500 group by cs-uri-stem” Where ‘ex*.log’ are all my IIS log files… Forensic Log Parsing with Microsoft’s LogParser – covers […]