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Monkey magic casts spell in Asia – funnily enough Monkey is being played by Shingo Katori who is Shingo Mama in No Oha! Shining Spoof Trailer – A spoof trailer for Shining that makes it look like a heartwarming drama rather than a horror movie Stick figures in Peril – flickr group I got a […]

Some links

Back to work tomorrow, 2 weeks of holidays are over. Some links I found funny / interesting over the holidays: blogjam’s North Korea trip – I think I discovered this from flickr. After I read it, I had Korean for lunch… Courseware for .NET and C# – Know of anyone about to learn .net? I […]

Handy Web Reference Links

Some links that I like to have bookmarked everywhere I’m working: MSDN Library HTML and DHTML Reference JScript Language Reference ASP.NET Settings Schema – web.config settings ASP.NET Syntax – handy for the numerous DataGrid settings Regular Expression Syntax (JScript), .NET Framework Regular Expressions Formatting Types – for String.Format and ToString methods (MSDN2 link) Firefox Core […]