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{ Category Archives } cryptography

Verifying a DKIM signature in C#

Quick background: DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a digital signature and hash which are placed on your emails to verify they are coming from the domain they claim to be. One step in the defence against SPAM and phishing emails. What does the signature look like. Here’s a signature grabbed from an email sent from […]

ShowMeDo: WASTE tutorial

My ShowMeDo tutorial Secure File Transfer With WASTE has just gone online. ShowMeDo is web site for tech tutorials in flash video – the majority are screencasts on varied programming topics. ShowMeDo has huge potential for learning new technologies, I think its going to get bigger and bigger…

SSL + Man-in-the-Middle

Spent some time reading up on SSL and how it defends against against the ‘man-in-the-middle‘ attack. All the pieces to the puzzle were there in my previous post – I just needed a good reference on the protocol. The best references I found were: Introduction to SSL An Overview of SSL (version 2) (Thanks Craig) […]