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Windows Azure – SlashView

Update (18-Sept-2009): Hot off twitter: Introducing the Windows Azure Service Management API – my wish (below) has been granted. ๐Ÿ™‚ Here’s my first attempt playing around with Azure: SlashView The idea behind the site is pretty simple – I’ve got a worker process scraping all the comments off Slashdot every 10 minutes. I get all […]

Windows Azure – Getting Started

Windows Azure – so where do you get started? Some links: Dare Obasanjo’s Windows Azure from a Developer’s Perspective – cuts though all the info that is out there and spells out exactly what a developer can expect from Azure. Katrien De Graeve Windows Azure รขโ‚ฌโ€œ installing SDK, tools and creating a first cloud project […]

Playing with JQuery and ASP.NET MVC

UPDATE: Thanks for the comment Chris. I guess after years of wrestling with Javascript I didn’t think of reading in the UI elements to set the cookie. If the cookie was storing something like timezones, I could stick the timezone key into an expando property of the div – nice! I’ve updated the source code […]

ASP.NET Defending Against Form Hackers

Something I’ve pondered previously: an ASP.NET page is populated with data retrieved from ViewState, is it possible to falsify the ViewState in the POST and trick the server into doing something that it shouldn’t. In other words, a scenario where the original developer is just “trusting” information coming from ViewState. Here’s an example – a […]