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{ Monthly Archives } February 2009

Windows Azure – Getting Started

Windows Azure – so where do you get started? Some links: Dare Obasanjo’s Windows Azure from a Developer’s Perspective – cuts though all the info that is out there and spells out exactly what a developer can expect from Azure. Katrien De Graeve Windows Azure – installing SDK, tools and creating a first cloud project […]

Silverlight 2: MVVM, Databinding & Cascading ComboBoxes – Part 2

So I’ve finally got a fix for this issue. The solution does feel like a bit of a hack – but I can understand why I need to go down this path. Hopefully one of the people who read this post will be inspired to come up with a more elegant solution! See a demo […]

Silverlight 2: MVVM, Databinding & Cascading ComboBoxes – Part 1

Update: see follow up post to see how I got the cascading ComboBoxes to work: I did mange to get a ‘working’ solution for cascading ComboBoxes – see the solution here: Silverlight 2: MVVM, Databinding & Cascading ComboBoxes – Part 2 I’m presently working on a Silverlight 2 application at work, and really enjoying the […]