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{ Monthly Archives } January 2006

Electronic Paper – Update

Some more e-ink devices have appeared recently: Sony Reader, very a Librie-like E-Ink e-book handheld for the North American market. From SMH: Easy on the eye: new e-book is a page turner. Lexar JumpDrive Mercury – uses an e-ink display for the capacity meter. Pretty clever, because e-ink only needs power to change the display. […]

Some links

Back to work tomorrow, 2 weeks of holidays are over. Some links I found funny / interesting over the holidays: blogjam’s North Korea trip – I think I discovered this from flickr. After I read it, I had Korean for lunch… Courseware for .NET and C# – Know of anyone about to learn .net? I […]

Listamatic: CSS lists

In a similar vein to the css Zen Garden comes Max Design’s Listamatic. A collections of CSS styles that can be applied to simple lists for “radically different list options”. There is also a browser support chart that can save you some hassle of testing in a stack of browsers. I’m currently playing with the […]